STUBBORN Consulting works at the intersection of social justice, inclusive practice and transformative change.
Development of diversity-sensitive & discrimination-critical organisations and teams / strategic consulting
Organizational Development
Diversity-sensitive and discrimination-critical organisational development (DDOE) is a holistic and intersectional approach that aims to shape organisations in such a way that they understand, value and promote diversity and actively counteract discrimination. It is not only about imparting knowledge about diversity and discrimination to members of the organisation in order to change processes, but also about promoting complementary skills and transforming structures so that they are implicitly anti-discriminatory and diversity-sensitive. DDOE therefore involves a profound examination of and change to organisational cultures, work processes and decision-making mechanisms and structures in order to create an inclusive environment in which people can find equal recognition and achieve their full potential while incorporating various dimensions of diversity. The approach emphasises the need for continuous reflection and adaptation of organisational practices in order not only to make discrimination visible and combat it, but also to preventively promote a culture of appreciation and justice. The central basis for this extended type of organisational development is the diversity-oriented organisational development (DO) approach of the RAA Berlin. Advantages of the DDOE/DO: - Improved innovative capacity and creativity - Increased employee satisfaction and loyalty - Improvement in decision-making - Strengthening of the employer brand - Increased market relevance and customer satisfaction - Increase in productivity - Improvement of trans- and intercultural competences - Increased adaptability - Strengthening conflict resolution skills - Promotion of learning and development opportunities - Improving relationships with customers - Increasing organisational resilience - Promoting a more inclusive society - Reduction of legal risks - Positive impact on employee health and wellbeing - Promotion of ethical business practices - Increasing social acceptance and social capital - Preparation for demographic changes - Access to (global) talent and new markets - Improvement of the organisational and working climate
Process support
Process support often takes place as part of planned or ongoing organisational development and therefore describes the work of organisational development. It aims to navigate organisations, projects and teams through the complex challenges of change by providing a structured and empathetic framework for change processes. Through expert support, organisations are empowered to reflect on, analyse and ultimately adapt their internal processes to create an inclusive, equitable and more diversity-conscious working environment. Successful process support takes into account the history, dynamics and specific requirements of the organisation in order to develop tailored strategies that support sustainable change. However, process support does not have to describe an entire OD process. It can be utilised for a selected area or process.
Supervision is a key component of our offering, which is characterised by the special combination of personnel and personal development. Inspired by psychodynamic approaches to supervision, our supervision offers a profound opportunity for reflection and growth, both on a professional and personal level. This approach is designed to support individuals and teams in organisations by not only strengthening professional competencies, but also fostering an understanding of the subconscious dynamics and patterns that influence professional actions and interpersonal relationships. In supervision, we attach great importance to creating a space in which supervisees feel safe to explore and reflect on themselves. This type of support enables personal and professional challenges to be viewed from new perspectives and constructive ways to overcome these challenges to be developed. By applying psychodynamic supervision approaches, we open up a deeper insight into the emotional and psychological aspects of the world of work. This enables supervisees to recognise and understand unconscious conflicts, resistance and motivations that influence their behaviour in a professional context. Supervision thus serves as a powerful tool not only to increase professional performance and satisfaction, but also to promote personal growth and well-being. Our supervision is aimed at individuals, teams and organisations who are interested in holistic development and are ready to fully exploit both their professional and personal potential.
We accompany your organization through processes of reflection, training and further development or redesign in order to create a safe, fair and inclusive environment. We offer sound advice and practical strategies to successfully support your team and/or organization in achieving your goals.
Training courses, seminars and lectures
Workshops & Trainings
Our workshops and training courses offer practice-orientated learning formats that are specifically designed to provide participants with compact knowledge, impulses and concrete skills in an interactive and dynamic setting. These formats are ideal for groups who want to familiarise themselves quickly and effectively with fundamental topics in order to move on from there. Workshops and training sessions are generally shorter and focus on the application of knowledge in practical exercises that are specifically aimed at raising awareness and developing approaches for action. In contrast to seminars and training courses, these formats are somewhat less intensive and aimed at a broader target group, which makes them particularly accessible for beginners or those looking for a refresher or new impetus in their day-to-day work. Of course, workshops can also address more specific topics. Both programmes - workshops & training and seminars & further training - are designed not only to impart knowledge to participants, depending on the time frame, but also to provide them with practical skills and strategies that they can use to act effectively in their professional and personal environment. Possible topics include, among others: - Anti-racism introduction/deepening - Diversity basics - Diversity-sensitive and discrimination-critical organisational development (DDOE) - Allyship/ Solidarity - Colonial history and continuities in Germany, - Mentoring practices - Collegial case counselling - Diverse recruiting - Emotional literacy - Power & emotions - Anti-discriminatory juries/ selection procedures - anti-discriminatory teaching - Inclusive Leadership
Seminars & training courses
Possible topics include, among others: - Anti-racism introduction/deepening - Diversity basics - Diversity-sensitive and discrimination-critical organisational development organisational development (DDOE) - Allyship/ Solidarity - Colonial history and continuities in Germany, - Mentorship practices - Collegial case counselling - Diverse recruiting - Emotional literacy - Power & emotions - Anti-discriminatory juries/ selection procedures - anti-discriminatory teaching - Inclusive Leadership
Lectures, inputs
Unsere Vorträge bieten inspirierende und informative Inputs zu einer Vielzahl von Themen rund um Rassismus, Allyship, Emotionen und darüber hinaus. Diese Formate sind ideal, um ein breites Publikum zu erreichen und Bewusstsein für wichtige soziale Fragen zu schaffen. Vorträge eignen sich hervorragend für Veranstaltungen, Konferenzen oder Firmenmeetings, bei denen ein kompakter Überblick oder tiefergehende Einsichten in spezifische Themen gefragt sind. Durch die Kombination von fachlicher Expertise und ansprechender Präsentation bieten unsere Vorträge eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, Diskussionen anzuregen und Teilnehmende zum Nachdenken zu bewegen.
Panel discussions
With our tailor-made training and insightful lectures, we shed light on the complexity of diversity, inclusion and equity, and expand your knowledge and qualifications using various key topics.
Personal & organisational reflection and awareness-raising
Critical Awareness Coaching
Based on a concept by Angelo Camufingo and Melanelle B. C. Hémêfa. Critical Awareness Coaching focuses on supporting individuals, groups, organisations or companies to develop critical thinking, awareness and action skills. The main goal is professionalisation and the acquisition or development of comprehensive anti-discrimination skills. Clients learn how to analyse, evaluate and redesign information, situations and structures with greater clarity, openness and a critical perspective. The aim is not only to sharpen the thought process, but also to ensure that it leads to practical, effective actions and well-founded decisions. Critical Awareness Coaching can support enquiry-based or needs-led learning, as well as helping to identify and address issues and priorities. The objectives of critical awareness coaching include 1 . Expansion of critical thinking & awareness-raising 2. further development of emotional intelligence 3. development of communication skills 4. strengthening decision-making and problem-solving skills 5. support for responsible behaviour
Individual/professional coaching
Our individual and professional coaching services are specifically aimed at marginalized individuals who are affected by racism and/or queer/heterosexism and who are looking for support in their professional environment. This format is designed to empower individuals on their journey to overcome challenges and achieve their professional and personal goals. In contrast to Critical Awareness Coaching, which pursues broad educational goals and aims to raise awareness within organizations, individual coaching focuses more intensively on the specific needs and situations of the coachees. In-service coaching offers a protected space in which the focus is on topics such as experiences of discrimination, professional development, self-awareness and self-assertion as well as strategies for self-care and resilience. Through one-to-one support, individual strengths are promoted and personal growth plans are developed to help coachees act confidently and effectively in both professional and private contexts. Similar to supervision, the focus is on reflection and personal development, but with a stronger emphasis on professional support and dealing with specific professional challenges. Coaching is characterized by an in-depth, empathic and goal-oriented approach that encourages coachees to explore and implement their own solutions. The aim is to initiate a sustainable development process that enables coachees to face challenges with confidence and realize their professional and personal aspirations. This individual and career-accompanying coaching is particularly valuable for people who are in transition phases or pursuing specific goals in their career. It helps them to navigate their role in an often complex and challenging professional environment while maintaining their identity and integrity.
Supervision ist ein maßgeblicher Bestandteil unseres Angebots, der sich durch die besondere Verbindung von Personal- und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung auszeichnet. Inspiriert durch psychodynamische Supervisionsansätze, bietet unsere Supervision eine tiefgreifende Möglichkeit zur Reflexion und zum Wachstum, sowohl auf professioneller als auch auf persönlicher Ebene. Dieser Ansatz ist darauf ausgerichtet, Einzelpersonen und Teams in Organisationen zu unterstützen, indem er nicht nur fachliche Kompetenzen stärkt, sondern auch ein Verständnis für die unterbewussten Dynamiken und Muster fördert, die das berufliche Handeln und zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen beeinflussen. In der Supervision legen wir großen Wert darauf, einen Raum zu schaffen, in dem sich die Supervisand*innen sicher fühlen, sich selbst zu erkunden und zu reflektieren. Diese Art der Begleitung ermöglicht es, persönliche und berufliche Herausforderungen aus neuen Perspektiven zu betrachten und konstruktive Wege zur Bewältigung dieser Herausforderungen zu entwickeln. Durch die Anwendung psychodynamischer Supervisionsansätze eröffnen wir einen tieferen Einblick in die emotionalen und psychologischen Aspekte der Arbeitswelt. Dies ermöglicht es den Supervisand*innen, unbewusste Konflikte, Widerstände und Motivationen zu erkennen und zu verstehen, die ihr Verhalten im beruflichen Kontext beeinflussen. Die Supervision dient somit als kraftvolles Werkzeug, um nicht nur die berufliche Leistung und Zufriedenheit zu steigern, sondern auch das persönliche Wachstum und Wohlbefinden zu fördern.
We examine and reflect on existing patterns and structures, promote a deeper understanding of social structures and work with you to develop ways of handling and changing them.